This term my project is directing towards addictions with a certain focus upon the more socially acceptable addictions. Typically, addiction has related to physical (chemical) addictions to substances such as heroin or cocaine, changing cultures have posed alternative, psychological addictions. These psychological addictions tend to be more socially acceptable, to certain extents.
Addictions differ from obsessions when the subjects experiances symptoms when withdrawn from the activity in questions. This maybe anxiety or aggressive behaviours when seperated.
Objects originally designed to assist with life may become sources of addiction through overusage and desensitisation to their original effect, whilst the mind continues to seek the original psychological experiance of the first use. For example the video game, occasional gameplay may produce feelings of excitement at times in the gamer, however if played excessivelythe brain seeks an experiance to a marginally higher degree than the previous.
Im hoping to try and look at the types of modern addictions whilst also looking at what makes it an addiction..