Carrying on with Hugh suggestion to carry along with the trend of the more composed images being those more successful I used photoshop once again with this. It was actually all from one photo, but I had problems with the black from the rims of the glasses smudging. So I had to play around with cutting and masking on a new layer and the smudge tool. I think I got pretty close to what I wanted - though Its going to need quite a lot of work for the big a3 prints :-s
My brains runnign dry on idea's once again, being confined to my room with this ankle (which god has directed all his angst at blatently) Itll be pictures from round the flat. Hopefully God will give me a ray of inspiration (I think he owes me one!) - not that Im religious or anything..
Very well done once again Tom! Really like the way you've got everything out of focus apart from what is behind the glasses, really makes the image work with what you're showing.
tom this is a really nice shot I really like that as you look through the glasses part of the image is in focus, its as if its your real eye. If you understand what im trying tosay that is good because im rambling. Anyways good work!!
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