Been a while since Ive posted last, since then I have a new camera. A beautiful Hasselblad 500cm with an 80mm 2.8 zeiss planar lens. These are some of the results from the first couple of rolls through it.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
new camera
Been a while since Ive posted last, since then I have a new camera. A beautiful Hasselblad 500cm with an 80mm 2.8 zeiss planar lens. These are some of the results from the first couple of rolls through it.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
This term my project is directing towards addictions with a certain focus upon the more socially acceptable addictions. Typically, addiction has related to physical (chemical) addictions to substances such as heroin or cocaine, changing cultures have posed alternative, psychological addictions. These psychological addictions tend to be more socially acceptable, to certain extents.
Addictions differ from obsessions when the subjects experiances symptoms when withdrawn from the activity in questions. This maybe anxiety or aggressive behaviours when seperated.
Objects originally designed to assist with life may become sources of addiction through overusage and desensitisation to their original effect, whilst the mind continues to seek the original psychological experiance of the first use. For example the video game, occasional gameplay may produce feelings of excitement at times in the gamer, however if played excessivelythe brain seeks an experiance to a marginally higher degree than the previous.
Im hoping to try and look at the types of modern addictions whilst also looking at what makes it an addiction..
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Today scanned in some negs from my travels from last summer and came across this which I had completely forgotten about. Its from my travels last year, overland from Prague to Malaga with a cheat of a flight rom Cairo to Casablanca. Anyway, the sitter stayed in the same hostel and he wanted me to photograph him getting a 'cut throat cut', he was american and so this was rather novel (if not intimidating) After casing a few joints, enough trust was found to go into this place.
I was pleased with how this one came out, it rather reminds me of Alex Webbs serious which was also on Istanbul.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Gogol Bordello!
After seeing Afies rather delicious photos of park hill flats and makin me jealous, thought id exact my revenge with some pictures of Gogol Bordello.
These are the best of a small bunch from their performance the other night at the Carling Academy, Newcastle. Party is a very good way to explain the ectatic atmosphere, a fantastic concert with Mr Hutz exuding energy. I managed to stop dancing momentarily to snap these couple of pictures.
Im afraid ive been working in film for the past few few weeks which may explain the lack of postings on here. Hopefully should get something on here in the next week or so...
Friday, March 14, 2008
For this I looked at the ironic juxtaposition of the presupposed and realised reality in relation to place name. Examples being such as 'Temple' above, semiotics lying within the discarded liquor bottle and the references to escapism within the telephone box.
I used a mix of large and medium format for this project, which in itself was quite an experiance. First time on the 5x4" view camera with the increased difficulty of slide film It was a relief to get a few nice exposures. The stress at times did soon pay off with the beauty in the colour and detail with the transparencies, although I may take a little breather and go back to medium format for the time-being.
Onto new horizons, Im home for Easter whilst brainstorming for a new project. At the moment Im thinking of something along the lines of Gregory Credson or Cindy Sherman and the constructed film stills. However much thought is needed. Watch this space...
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Exploration and the likes
The last couple of weeks, along with alfie and sean Ive explored some old abandoned buildings around Nottingham, all really fascinating. The above being an abandoned pub, walls all around dappled with light streaming from the city lights outside, both eerie and intriguing. Sean did a fantastic long exposure on large format whilst alfie did something reminscent of an old horror flick with masterful flash work.
This porject at uni Im working on place which is still developing and evolving...but more on that to come...
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
running dry

Just to say also, I do plan/hope to carry on with this blog as I hope others may do. I think its been very iteresting to see what other people are doing generally/for other projects.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Also ive chosen the ones for my final selection, got 3 printed off today. Of course I shall get the rest printed tomorrow. There does seem to be somewhat of a green tinge to one of them - although it seems to correct itself under tungsten glow of my room. If others are looking to print I think I saw a poster in the toilet in bonnington (as you do) advertising 6 A2 sheets for a tenner - of course I notice this AFTER ive got them printed elsewhere...but such is life.
Anyway, the above. This was from last night, I was photographing a dress for a flatmate which she had made for her project. It was taken in my living room with a bowens portaflash (that porta bit should be illegal for misrepresentation or something - Im sure they make lighter cars) Saying that it did the job, perhaps a little to well. Im not the most experianced in the studio, but white on white im sure isnt the easiest regardless - I had quite a few problems with bleaching on the dress. Basically there wasnt enough space for the model to move away from the wall (and light projecting onto the back wall) Still, its always good to set yourself a challenge...
Monday, February 4, 2008
cameras-eye view

Camera's eye view out my window. A little bit of a bugger to expose. The Slr's lenses were too big to show just the viewfinder - as you can imagine. So this was taken on my ikkle ixus (canon compact) as the small lens was small enough to fit in the viewfinder. The only problem was, to get the detail on the readout at the bottom I had to whack up the ISO giving a load of noise. Im yet to decide whether adds or detracts from the image. I quite like the desaturated and slightly distorted view though.
My rooms on the top floor of my flats and you get some alrite views over the city, this is just a little bit singled out. Its sometimes nice to daze out and contemplate....
Friday, February 1, 2008
the awakening

Carrying on with Hugh suggestion to carry along with the trend of the more composed images being those more successful I used photoshop once again with this. It was actually all from one photo, but I had problems with the black from the rims of the glasses smudging. So I had to play around with cutting and masking on a new layer and the smudge tool. I think I got pretty close to what I wanted - though Its going to need quite a lot of work for the big a3 prints :-s
My brains runnign dry on idea's once again, being confined to my room with this ankle (which god has directed all his angst at blatently) Itll be pictures from round the flat. Hopefully God will give me a ray of inspiration (I think he owes me one!) - not that Im religious or anything..
Thursday, January 31, 2008

To the photo...! The workgroup this afternoon kinda flummoxed me a little, I needed some new Idea's but then thats easier said than done, as Im sure all of you know. Im happy with the ones in the mirror, although there only so much you can do infront of a mirror (Ill let you interpret that how you like) So I thought the thing linking them together was reflection, a few idea's emerged. One was for a reflection in a store front, although on my lonesome its difficult to get the second head to toe shot, so Ill give that one a go another time, i wanted to try something in the bathroom with reflection in water - then I looked at my bathroom. A dark dingy dank hole and realised it probably wouldnt work, no joy there then.
Reminiscing on old times in a snooze, I came up with this. I wanted to try and represent memories here, which is really rather difficult. So with the aid of photos littering my wall I used these and tried to re-enact the reflection of my face from the gloss of the prints. I took one photo of the photos and another of myself. I used a mask to cut out all of my face except for the bits reflected by the photo. Those parts not masked I blurred to try and immitate the certain lack of defition in our memories.
Im not 100% on this one, also can people let me know if you cant see it on your screens.. I wanted it to appear faded. Hopefully I shall think of some more fruitful Idea's over the weekend..
Shadow of a slice of time being sliced

Most of today Ive been spending developing and scanning film, and Im kicking myself a little for not taking more photos of thsi everyday task. Anyway I thought it appropriate to get a picture (indirectly) of myself taking a photo..
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Guitar Hero...

This was a bit of a bitch to photograph, to put it bluntly. In ways harder than the contact lens one. I ended up jammin the camera under my chin whilst wrapping the straps round my neck. Giving me the chance of suffocating myself in the first camera related death...
Monday, January 28, 2008
Mirror mirror on the wall

I think this may be the last in this kinda style, mainly as Ive run of idea's. Hopefully i shall think of something before the end of the project. Ah well, I think it suits the mundane-ness of most peoples morning routine.
Tomorrow i get my fish-eye back again after some deviant sole stole it! Lookin forward to havin a play with that again. Perhaps some more mundane-ness, although Ill try and push myself towards some of the ol' barty style stuff.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
poker in the pub

Im not quite sure how well this can tie into my project (or indeed my theme towards Roland Barthes) - well unless ol' Barty was a gambling addict... Still, I think it represents where my evenin went..
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Sweeney Tom

Inspired by Annies countryside photo's I was tempted to get on my bike for a ride in the country. Unfortunately it was pretty windy so I thought best not. And went for an afternoon of procrastinating all over the internet and then to have a play with photoshop. Inspired by and add for the new film I thought Id do this little series of images. Pretty mundane once again, with a similar style to the one of my contact lens.
Friday, January 25, 2008

Dont look down. Today I visited Newcastle's Baltic art gallery, although there was sod all on show as they were in between exhibitions it was still interesting to photograph around the quayside in Newcastle. Ive a few more pictures from my wanderings here.
This was taken at the top of the Baltic, an old converted flour mill now a (sometimes) excellent gallery. Recently hitting the news with the rejection of some of Nan Goldins work.
Anyway, I thought this picture was a little more suitable to the Barthes theme of death my blog is joyfully morphing towards. This extentuated by the red iris at the bottom from the greedy devil, or perhaps the flames of hell - who knows? It could even be a light installation...
Another view from my day.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Im not quite sure what relation this has to Barthes. Can anyone see a puntum? or is this pure studium?
Agent of death!

Anyway, a slightly darker image. Similar to yesterdays in the slightly uncomfortable view of ourselves, yet it not being quite real. Here is a blurred (alike our mind and memories) notion of self is projected onto the wall.
This would of probably worked a little better with a wider lens, i infact used 2 pictures combined together. So its less of the first person view. I may work on it a little more to emphasis the creepyness in photoshop. But here I posted the rawest form.
Lost in time
Anyway, Annies blog reminded me off it, yet i hadnt had it bookmarked. So began my search, bookmarks, history and all that. To google - I knew it was a hotel in bratislava although I couldnt remember which on or by whom it was photographed. To google, eventually I found the name of th hotel in a travel site, yet even typing that (along with a hoard of other key words) brought nothing up. Eventually I found it through a blog someone created about it. I wonder how these people expect to make a name for themselves when they cant publisice themselves with just the few simple keywords.
Thought Id show the link with you, it also has some interesting portraits and documentary style photographs in.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Homewards journey.

Second is me copying up notes on the train, I found the 'virtual' image in the window quite interesting. Im sure there is a reference to Barthes somewhere in this, although I shall need to re-read it before I can comprehend trying to repeat anything. Nevertheless I find the notion of these kind of reflections quite interesting. You see yourself - yet your looking through it to the outside - the real/physical. Quite like I imagine a ghost would look like. Theres another image on my flickr which I actually prefer a little I think - but it didnt really lie within my POV style within this project.
Onwards tomorrow, and my cast comes off! Whooppee!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
damned dirty dishes

In the long term Im not 100% how Im doing with this project, still in two minds. One thing is Im aiming for the mundane alongside the first person pov, yet I feel theres more I can do. Problem is is with finding photographers to find influence from. Google doesnt offer much help, nor does wiki or flickr - the most I get is some video games. And despite this being nottingham I think I may run a little risk carrying a gun in front of me....boy that would be interesting trying to explain that to the police. Anyway If anyone happens to know of any photographers that would be worth checking out? Many thanks.
Banality of life once again

In a continuance with the theme of general banality of everyday life, taking a moment out at Nero to converse over future shelter I think the three expressions here capture the average lone person you meet in the coffee shop. On the left we have Sean, the coffee addict there for the fix to prepare (or relieve) oneself from a busy day, there is then James, there for the crossword/reading. Alone taking a little time out to perhaps escape problems in life, or again just to relax and take a so called breather. Then there is Alfie, contemplatory, perhaps hit by some sudden bad news and in shock heads for the warmth of the coffee house. Or perhaps he is in the coffee house as it is better than returning home... Of course these are all entirely fictional - any relation to real life is purely fictional...
I feel this has worked quite well in showing the mundane banality of everyday life. Barthes may drop this into the Studium category, that which is generally unprovoking. It doesnt leap and out poke you but I think this is what makes the image work moreso. Hopefully Ill try and continue with this...
Unfortunatly - the fool that I am - I didnt book out a lens for tomorrow onwards, this means that there will be less off a fish eye effect as Ill be resorting to 18mm on a 35mm. I shall try and get a wide angle for a film, although that will pose a little bit of a problem for getting images onto this blog. Anyway, I shall think of something - the best lessons are those learnt from our mistakes!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Tom the cryptographer

Ive still be trying to develop my theme a little more, I feel it seems to be lacking something. Perhaps I could go about more with the constructed images alike yesterdays attempt? hmm (excuse my while i brainstorm here) although what to photograph, what to photograph. Perhaps more research...
Saturday, January 19, 2008
My lens

Friday, January 18, 2008
Take a break and watch the world go by

Thursday, January 17, 2008
Simple complexity

I chose this image from a few as I feel it is the closest to that which the brain receives from the optic nerve. In future I hope to try and experiment with a few more angles. I may need to research a little more for that though.
Also I rented out a fish-eye 10.5mm lens which I have mixed feelings about. As soon as I picked it up it was a nice toy I felt, bizarre happenings as the lens distorted my world. Characatured faces, walls folding in upon themselves and distorted distances, its easy to create visually entertaining images. However Im looking for a little more than that. The distortion hugely evident in curved corners, this is where I find it departs from creating true representations of my world, the field of view may be more representative, although do the distortions distort reality too much? I shall experiment this week and see where my lens takes me.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
A day..


Since taking the idea of a photo being your view of reality to the extreme with views from an obvious first person Ive decided to look a little more into documentary photographers and into others blogs for a little inspiration into subject matter. I feel the project slowly materialising, now for that idea...
On the topic of photography I stumbled on an interesting article on the nature and ethics of documentary photographs taken to tell a story, the ethics of composition. Does moving an object in or out of the frame or arranging a group of people constitute a true documentary of real life events? Or if this wasnt done, would the image hold the same power or tell the same story? How much strength does the photographer truly hold when commanding our perceptions? The infamous image of the excecution of a viet cong prisoner perfectly represents this, staged around the lens.
For all those researching like me, looking at blogs, there are a decent amount of quality sites here. Interesting ones Ive found;
- 60 Sources of Inspiration - for all those with brain freezes
- Photopreneur with some useful articles like how to keyword.
- Abandoned Britian is a great urban exploration site with some fantastic images of degraded buildings.
- As for digital manipulation to the extreme, dechobek on deviant art has created some quite surreal images, as is outafocus
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Hello. Im on top of the world.

In this modern world there is no escape from the chains of technology. On top of Mount Sinai, where long ago a man resited a set of commands another converses. An all too familiar grip of social and professional pressures that reside in all of us. After hiking up a large mountain, this gentleman feels the need to ring someone. One wonders, who is it he is calling? Why is he calling them?
Another interesting thing I noticed travelling around is the importance of mobile phones to lives spanning all cultures. Small towns without say, a newsagent or chemist would have a mobile phone store. People would have not one, but two or even three phones. People who can barely afford food, bedouins living in tents in the desert, children in the most basic of housing.
Questions how much of a aid a mobile really is..
Through my view

When photographing this image the first thing I did was use a wide angle lens to recreate the field of view. The lighting conditions here were quite low meaning any flash used would illuminate the image, but a black band would appear on the bottom. As a result I decided to go for a more natural image, through controlling the ISO. This created a lot of grain, however the lighting is more as one would see it and I feel it adds to the mood a little more.
Building a future?

Bratislava is an interesting city; heavily hit by communism one side of the city is a sea of tower blocks stretching as far as the eye can see along the Danube to the horizon. Despite there efforts to bring the city into the western modern world (alike Prague) however not in the smartest way. Half of the historic old centre was massacred by a 6 lane motorway whilst endless tower blocks rise taller, as if they were to improve the city in someway.
Ive visited twice and unfortunately the eccentricity in its past is really what made the city, however street cafe's and un-neccessarily high prices smother the charm. As a result this is a city halfway inbetweet Budapest and Bucharest.
Monday, January 14, 2008
These boots are made for walking...

10 days left to go...

Its been a little bit of a quiet day photography wise, spent most of the day sorting photos onto flickr. This ones just a random bit of Grafitti. Im not one for the whole 'tagging' scene which is neither creative or of any interest. But its these little subtle things around town that catch your sight. I am a fan of Banksy's work, despite not being original, it has brought a new perspective to grafitti. Dull expanses of brick have a sudden intrigue, in my opinion this should be encouraged.