I chose this image from a few as I feel it is the closest to that which the brain receives from the optic nerve. In future I hope to try and experiment with a few more angles. I may need to research a little more for that though.
Also I rented out a fish-eye 10.5mm lens which I have mixed feelings about. As soon as I picked it up it was a nice toy I felt, bizarre happenings as the lens distorted my world. Characatured faces, walls folding in upon themselves and distorted distances, its easy to create visually entertaining images. However Im looking for a little more than that. The distortion hugely evident in curved corners, this is where I find it departs from creating true representations of my world, the field of view may be more representative, although do the distortions distort reality too much? I shall experiment this week and see where my lens takes me.
I really liked your idea from the start Tom, it's a cracker and going to be very interesting to watch it grow and see where you take it!
You can get stuff to straighten out fisheye images but, the result ends up slightly cropped, I think, having never used either a fisheye or said software I don't really know what I'm talking about but, that doesn't stop me talking about it ...
Interesting about the software, although Im not too keen on significantly changing images too much. Ive also noticed the depth of field can be quite narrow with the wider angles, I may use that to direct the attention to a feature in the image.
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