I found this a little ironic, having health and nutritional value on a packet of Tesco value mince-meat. I sure that if you were health conscious you'd stay well away from this hazardous 'meat.' Just to let you know I did eat some and I am still alive...
Last term my meals mainly involved two steps; Remove from packaging and Place in microwave. My new years resolution is not to have another microwave meal, although cheap mince probably isnt the best place to start, at least its a start!
The fact it doesn't go out of date until July tells a story. T'is a start though!
Your photo must be pretty accurate because that really doesn't look too appetising and Value products generally aren't!
also i bought it last term. the spag bol i made with it wasnt too bad, altho the mince went a tad gritty :s
Last term? Insane. Would probably last for years in the freezer ...
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