Saturday, January 12, 2008

Soviet imagery

Today I bought Propaganda , a collection of images taken during Lenins era at the time Russia was known as the USSR. An interesting collection of images taken by photographers clearly pressured by the regime, yet still showing creativity. The gritty black and white images are a
curious look into the power of the state at the time.
The above is not an old photo of 20/30 years, but one taken half a year ago. Whilst Prague is rapidly westernising there are parts of the city which still show its past quite clearly, namely the train station. Decor unchanged for a number of years, the station feels as if you have stepped back in time a number of decades. With this image I wanted to present the surroundings in a dated fashion and so quality I focussed less on. ISO increased to maximum on a compact produced a high amount of grain, whilst a flash captured dust in the air.

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